Book Of Wisdom.

A free book from Advanced Society of Paranormal Studies (ASPS).

Book Of Wisdom. Advanced Society of Paranormal Studies (ASPS).

This book is a collection of writings about deep matters related to subjects of intelligence, knowledge, science, materialism, ancient wisdom, ancient texts, paranormal phenomena, mind, yoga, life, death, natural phenomena, nature, consciousness, reincarnation, spirituality, supernatural powers, physics, meta-physics, the universe, religion, and philosophy. This book is suitable for young people around the ages of 13 to 30 and for those who are interested in learning about deep matters in the universe. This book is a profound, deep, and intricate book that contains information related to complex matters in the universe. This book is for people who like to explore mysterious truths about the universe. A book for thinkers. For those who want to know the unknown. And the book is free to download on the internet.

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Foreword. 9 (page)
The Profound Thoughts of a Great Man. 10
Brain-Dead but Alive? Case of the Beating-Heart Cadaver. 12
What is a Near Death Experience? 14
Rise of Ghost & Paranormal Investigators in the United States. 16
The Universe: Knowns & Unknowns. 18
Shiva & Sumitra past life case. 19
1. Shiva Tripathi: 44
2. Sumitra Singh's Transformation: 44
3. Intermission Period: 44
4. Verified Statements and Recognitions: 45
5. Possession, Reincarnation, or Both?: 45
Choosing Our Social Circles Wisely: The First Lesson. 54
1. Influence and Environment: 54
2. Intellectual Stagnation: 55
3. Emotional Well-being: 55
4. Values and Morality: 55
5. Productivity and Success: 55
6. Self-Reflection and Growth: 55
7. Energy Drain: 55
8. Risk of Misguidance: 56
9. Quality of Relationships: 56
10. Cultivating a Positive Environment: 56
Unanswered Questions and Challenges of the Big Bang Theory. 58
1. The Singularity Problem: 58
2. The Horizon Problem: 59
3. The Flatness Problem: 59
4. Dark Matter and Dark Energy: 59
5. Before the Big Bang: 60
Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism. 60
The Limits of Folly. 63
The Natural Law of Cause and Effect. 66
Spiritual Truth Seeker. 73
Dark Matter: The Mysterious Invisible Component of the Universe. 74
Supernatural Powers in Buddhism. 76
A Scientific Examination of the Non-Existence of an Almighty God. 79
Vedas and Upanishads. 82
Isidasi Nun and Her Divine Eye. 84
Understanding Nature and the Universe. 88
A donkey speaks. 90
Intelligence Behind Understanding the Unseen. 93
Complexity of Intelligence. 95
The Supernatural Powers of Rishis. 97
Life's Greatest Questions. 99
Devaduta Sutra: The divine Messengers. 101
Rediscovering the Wisdom of the Ancients. 111
A Visible Sign of Spiritual Progress. 113
The Art of Forgetting the Outside World. 115
Differences Between Fools and Wise Men. 117
Patanjali Yoga sutra. 118
Zoroastrian Religion of Persia. 135
The Equality of Nature. 137
Understanding the Patterns in Life. 139
Samsara or Reincarnation Circle. 141
Why bad luck in my life? 143
Importance of Brahmacharya. 144
Power of Positive Thinking. 146
Who is Siva? 148
Animals with Ultraviolet and Infrared Vision. 149
Foolish Materialistic Person. 152
Pioneers in the Field of Past-Life Memories. 156
Nirvana Mentioned In Buddhism. 158
Importance of Exploring Various Religions and Philosophies. 160
Spirituality in Mental Health. 162
Limits of Logic. 164
Depression & Meditation. 167
Known and the Unknown. 169
Art of Concentration. 170
Blissful States of Concentration. 172
The Supernatural Powers of Buddha. 174
Karma, Causality, and Universal Interconnectedness. 178
Solitude and Silence in Meditation Practice. 180
Things Science Cannot Explain. 182
Are We Alone in the Universe? 183
The Sons of Gods. 185
Understanding Endless Reincarnation Cycle. 187
Sankhya Philosophers of Ancient India. 189
Parabrahman in Hinduism. 191
Paramatman or Atman in Hinduism. 193
Formless Trances in Buddhism. 194
The Divine Eye and Yogic Intelligence. 196
Meditation to Unveil Past Lives. 198
Ancient Religions and Meditation. 200
1. Hinduism: 200
2. Buddhism: 200
3. Taoism: 201
Ancient Practices. 202
Ancient Wisdom. 205
Understanding Spirituality, Karma, Meditation, and Liberation. 207
An Exploration of Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga, and Spirituality. 209
An Exploration of Siddhas, Vidyadharas, and Siddhis. 211
Destructions of Kali Yuga. 217
How to Recognize Karma in Work? 219
Exploring Methods for Learning Meditations. 222
Heavenly Mansions of Gods in Religious Texts. 224
The Intersection of Science and Nature. 225
Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives in Western Cultures. 227
Sons of Dharma. 229
Jealousy in the Natural World and Society. 231
Waraha Upanishad: Ancient Indian Wisdom. 233
Karma & Biblical Concept of Sowing & Reaping. 235
Reincarnation and the Bible. 236
Miraculous Feat of Jesus Christ. 238
Buddha's Practical Advice on Belief and Discernment. 239
Importance of Wholehearted Meditation Practice. 244
Children Who Remember Past Lives. 246
The importance of satisfaction and having no desire. 254
What is Stoicism? 256
What is the Ultimate Truth? 257
Realm of Spirituality: A Journey Beyond the Physical. 261
Researchers in the United States Uncover Evidence of Past Lives. 262
Power of Imagination: Unseen and Invisible. 265
Intersection of Science and Philosophy. 267
Limitations of Modern Science. 268
Importance of Wisdom in Modern Society. 270
Understanding the Mind & its Connection to the After-Death World. 272
Exploring Life, Death, and Existence Through Film. 275
The Big Bang Theory: Notable Errors. 277
1. The Cosmological Constant Problem: 278
2. The Axis of Evil: 278
3. The Quadrupole Moment Problem: 278
4. The Fermion Mass Problem: 278
Understanding the Connection Between Causes & Effects in the Natural World. 279
What Recurring Patterns Reveal About the Workings of the Universe. 282
A Deep Dive into the Natural Laws of Cause & Effect. 284
The Quest for Alien Life. 286
Exploring the Boundaries of Our Understanding. 288
Seeing the Unseen: The Limits of Human Perception. 292
Importance of Respecting Spirituality. 296
Multifaceted Importance of Truth. 298
Importance of Experimentation and Truth. 300
Importance of Free Thinking. 302
Limits of Critical Thinking in Understanding the Universe. 305
Value of Old Wisdom in a New World. 307
Shvetashvatara Upanishad: Exploration of Hindu Philosophy. 310
Exploration of the Mundaka Upanishad. 312
1. Higher Knowledge and Lower Knowledge: 312
2. The Nature of Brahman: 312
3. The Process of Creation: 313
4. The Path to Realization: 313
5. The Atman (Self): 313
What is the meaning of life? 315
Goal in Religions & Philosophies. 317
1. Hinduism: Moksha: 317
2. Buddhism: Nirvana: 317
3. Jainism: Kevala Jnana and Moksha: 318
4. Sikhism: Mukhti: 319
5. Taoism: Harmony with the Tao: 319
6. Christianity: Eternal Life and Salvation: 319
7. Islam: Jannah: 320
8. Other Philosophies: Various Approaches: 320
Comparing Religions and Philosophies to Nature. 321
Vimanas: Divine Mansions in Buddhism and Hinduism. 324
Interconnectedness of Rest, Intelligence, Concentration, & Peace of Mind. 326
Power of Masculine Natures. 328
Ayurveda: The Ancient Science of Life and Longevity. 331
Beyond the Big Bang Theory. 332
1. The Baryon Asymmetry Problem: 333
2. The Magnetic Monopole Problem: 333
3. Dark Matter and Dark Energy Distribution: 333
4. The Lithium Problem: 333
Imperfections of Science. 334
Vast and Diverse Animal Kingdom. 336
Buddha's 73 intelligences. 338
73 intelligences of the omniscient Buddha: 338
Exploring Reincarnation in Cinema: Top 15 Movies. 350
Best Free Meditation Books Available for Instant Download. 354

[All writings in this book are licensed under a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means that the writings are dedicated to the public domain and may be freely used, reproduced, and distributed by anyone for any purpose without permission.]Special thanks to late Professor Ian Stevenson, University of Virginia and Division of Perceptual Studies.